Offers you a compassionate and amicable path through divorce proceedings with my virtual collaborative divorce services. I will help you through the legal intricacies of divorce while prioritizing effective communication and cooperation and with the help of a collaborative professional team, provide a comprehensive solution that minimizes conflict and fosters a positive outcome for families going through a breakup.
Premarital (prenuptial) Agreements are agreements between the parties before marriage for couples to better anticipate how their marital property or increase in separate property and their income would be distributed at the time of a divorce. Parties may also include in their Agreements what they anticipate leaving the other party in the event of death. We work with your fiancé, your fiancé’s counsel, and other strategic partners to guide you through the process. It is important to start the process several months before the wedding date so there is plenty of time to gather the necessary information from each party, such as the party’s assets, debts, and income, to understand the legal implications of the agreement, and to negotiate the terms of the document.
Cohabitation Agreements are agreements concerning property, finances, and other matters relevant to the parties’ relationship, made before the parties are living together. Since common law marriages are not recognized in Tennessee, the parties without a cohabitation agreement do not have the legal protections of married couples. Thus, a cohabitation agreement that covers areas such as division of jointly owned property, joint debts incurred, medical decisions, designation of a partner on the other partner’s insurance, or other issues, might help to clarify what happens in the event of death of one of the parties or a breakup and help to avoid litigation. As more people are opting to live together rather than marry, the use of cohabitation agreements is growing. While some states may still refuse to enforce Cohabitation Agreements, Tennessee courts will apply contract law to test its validity and enforceability. Therefore, it is important to start the process several months before moving in together and getting rid of your home, so there is plenty of time to gather the necessary information from each party, such as the party’s assets, debts, and income, to understand the legal implications of the terms of the document, and to negotiate the terms of the document.